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2024 Fall Solidarity Magazine Promo

Fall 2024 Issue of Solidarity Magazine is Now Online!

The new Fall 2024 issue of Solidarity Magazine is now available. You can download it here, and share it with fellow UAW members.In this issue:...

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UAW-FCA Negotiations Update

Greetings: We continue to follow the strategy of pattern bargaining by targeting a lead company to negotiate with. As you know the UAW continues to strike General Motors. They are completing their third week and our brothers and sisters at the UAW-GM Locals need our support now more than ever. I ask all of you to donate your time and visit the picket lines during your off-work hours. I know many of you have, but make sure to let them know that the membership of UAW-FCA thanks them for the sacrifice they are making for all of us. They will set the pattern for us to follow.

Read More UAW-FCA Negotiations Update

UAW-Ford Negotiations Update #3

Greetings Union Brothers and Sisters: We have made significant progress in this set of negotiations since I last updated you on Wednesday, September 18, 2019. At this time, we now have 18 out of 20 subcommittees that have reached tentative agreements or have negotiated to the point that only patterned or large economic items remain open for discussion.

Read More UAW-Ford Negotiations Update #3

Correspondence from UAW-GM Vice President Terry Dittes on Health Care

Mr. Sandefur: I am in receipt of your email dated Wednesday, September 25, 2019, that I received this morning, Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 8:57 am. Let me recap the sequence of events regarding this very important matter for all our striking members and their families.

Read More Correspondence from UAW-GM Vice President Terry Dittes on Health Care

An Update to UAW Vice President Terry Dittes

Dear Union Brothers and Sisters: All unsettled proposals are now at the Main Table and have been presented to General Motors, and we are awaiting their response. This back and forth will continue until Negotiations are complete. The International Staff and your elected Bargaining Committee have been working countless hours to reach an Agreement on behalf of our Members, their families and all the communities affected by this strike.

Read More An Update to UAW Vice President Terry Dittes