Mike Smith

Mike Smith,
The current Vice President of UAW Local 900. He is currently serving his third term as Vice President of Local 900 that represents over 8,000 active and retired members from Michigan Assembly Plant, MAP-Body Stamping Plant (ISA), Leadec, Hope Nursing Center, Bay Logistics, and Union Sorters of America.
Mike hired into Ford Motor Company at the Wayne Assembly Plant on April 23, 1990. Under the Leadership and encouragement of WAP Chairman, Bill Johnson, he became fully engaged as an active UAW member. Volunteering in many events sponsored by Local 900 and the Bargaining Committee. Mike didn't stop there, he went on to serve as an alternate committee person and alternate ESSP Rep. He was later elected to the Executive Board and then Sergeant at Arms. In 2004 he was appointed the ESSP Rep. and held that position until June 2011, which is when he started serving the membership as the Vice President of UAW Local 900. Mike is proud to be a long time member of the Wayne Community and UAW Local 900.
Mike Smith is also an active member and involved in:
• Active member on all of the Standing Committees
• Member of the NAACP
• Member of CLUW (Coalition of Labor Union Women)
• Member of CBTU (Coalition of Black Trade Union)
• Member of LAP (Labor Assistant Professional)
• Goodfellows
He encourages everyone to get involved, and fight for social justice!