Dwayne Walker

Our Local serves over 8,000 members currently. We are proud to be recognized as an Amalgamated Local that not only service Automotive union members, active and retired but, Healthcare, Cleaning Services, and Sorting Companies as well.
Dwayne Walker is President of UAW Local 900.
Mr. Walker is currently serving as President of Local 900, but he is far from new in the realms of serving the membership. Dwayne Walker hired in at Ford Motor Company in 1990 at the Wayne Assembly Plant in Wayne, Michigan. He worked on the shop floor for six years, before deciding to enter in the political arena and run for a position as a District Committee Rep. Dwayne won his election and served the members in his area for nine years before making the decision to move up to the next level of becoming a Bargaining Rep. (2005-2017). While serving as a Bargaining Rep, Dwayne looked upon the experiences he had gained as a growing curve. He was elected Local 900 President in 2018. He has also served as a National Ford Delegate (3 times), and has had the privilege of being a National Negotiator at every contract since 2011. Dwayne is also an active member on several Standing Committee's.
As a Vet that served his Country for 4 active years, and 13 years in the reserves as a Marine, Dwayne is committed to bringing the needs of all U.S. Veterans to the forefront, while playing an active role in providing some much-needed help to the men and women who served our Country. As you can see Mr. Walker has been a proactive person for most of his career and believes that the knowledge and experiences that he has gained over the years will play a major part in his role as the President of Local 900.
When asked, what is his goals as President of this Local?
President Walker replied "To keep the integrity of the UAW and continue the legacy of Local 900"